Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Wittenberg's administrations recent handling of the sexual assaults have been, well questionable.  Erin couldn't have said it any better in class the other day.  We would get the same email about a sexual assault or if there was a cat loose in an academic building.  It seems like Wittenberg is trying to either protect us from the truth or they are just keeping the truth from us.  It seems that they are trying to preserve the non-existant Wittenberg bubble, even though all this chaos is happening inside of our bubble.

The administration keeping us in the dark about the french professor situation is not fair to us as adults and students.  We deserve to know what is going wrong in our community so we can protect ourselves in order to avoid situations like these so they don't happen again.  The emails we receive seem to be very vague and uninformative.  This doesn't help us grow as a community, it doesn't help us, it doesn't protect us, it does just the opposite of these.

I would like to think that the administration thinks a bit more highly of us and our maturity and intellect.    It is a bit of a slap to the face with the way they have treated us with presenting us with the campus alerts.

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