Tuesday, October 2, 2012

World Domination

There was a recent study done by an ESPN writer saying that soccer is the number growing sport in America between ages 17-22.  This is not very surprising to me, I mean with the growing popularity of FIFA video games and the frequent airing of English Premier League games, there will be a lot of attraction to something new.  But I don't believe this will be just a fad.  The EPL may have the best athletes from around the world competing in it.  They have players from literally every corner of the world, unlike many American pro sports.  This may be one reason why it is so popular in the US because of our "melting pot" mentality.  So this makes me think how the globalizing of American sports is going.  I know that the NFL has had some games in England but they haven't had any great games, that would make fans want to consistently watch the NFL.  Baseball in general is very popular in Asia and South America and the MLB doesn't seem to attack any other areas of the world.  The NBA has discussed playing games overseas vs international teams and count them as regular season games.  They have also talked about adding a European division to the league.  And finally the NHL, hockey is much like baseball, they already have strong popularity in many European countries, such as Russia, Germany, Sweden, and Finland.  It seems to be that globalization of sport is becoming more of the popular thing to do and why not.  It makes the leagues and owners more money to improve their product for the fans.

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