Thursday, October 4, 2012

It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times

More than halfway through my glorious college experience her at Wittenberg there have been some things that I have absolutely loved about it and some things I could have lived without.  I enjoy football,  my friends, and opportunities Witt has given me so far.  There are not many things I haven't enjoyed but one of them for sure was Public Speaking freshman year.  I bet everyone is thinking, "Oh I would have hated it too, I can't stand talking in front of people".  Nope that was not the reason why I absolutely dreading going to that class.  Reason one, the professor.  She was not a Wittenberg professor, she was an adjunct from Clark State and she may be top 5 worst joke makers of ALL TIME!  It was so awkward when she made a joke and you were forced to laugh.  Another was that she graded a 100 level course as if it was like a senior thesis determining the rest of your life.  It was ridiculous, and this all may be because I always made a point in my speeches to poke fun of when she said we could Skype her if we needed to contact her, but hey who knows.  She was also one of those teachers that read directly from the book, also known as death to students.  Forget paying attention, I had a hard time not falling asleep.  God bless her, she tried and so did I, she kept her job after evaluations, and I got a D, so I guess she won the war.

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