Thursday, September 27, 2012


For many of us, this is the first time we have had to write in a blog format.  Personally I like writing blogs, the problem is that I want to write about sports all the time and that is not a possibility right now. But me and one of my friends from Ohio State are working on something and I would like to get started writing for some other sports blogs in the internet atmosphere.  Blogs I think are a great way to gets things rolling for young writers.  If you read some of the top blogs online, they are just as good as newspapers or as articles on other reliable news websites.  They get interviews from important people which make them look even better.  But I think blogs help our class out tremendously even if some students don't like them.  The more we write the better we get.  We learn more about our grammar, and learn how to use our creative voice properly.  I love the idea of blogs, I hope I can write more so I can get something started somewhere after college.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Show Your Colors: Red or Blue?

With the election coming up the presedential race seems to become more important everyday.  But here at Witt it doesn't seem that way.  To me Witt doesn't seem like a very politically active campus.  I know that the college republicans and yound democrats are on campus but I dont see them advertising or trying to make any changes to campus.  But it does seem that the student body and the faculty seem to be more liberal than conservative.  Look at cars in the parking lots and see their bumper stickers, look at water bottles to see the decorative stickers on them.  Even look at your timeline on Twitter or your Facebook news feed, and more often than not you will see more pro-Obama posts than pro-Romney ones.  It may be that people in society are more proud to be a democrat rather than being a republican.  To me it seems that republicans are portrayed as the bad guys, stealing from the poor and giving to the rich, and that the democrats are the good guys helping those in need and making everything right, but I know that's not right, each party has its flaws.  Witt does seem to lean more towards the democratic party, but that just may be because of social stereotypes.


So I still need an article for the semester story, and I literally have no idea what I can write about.  It obviously poses an interesting scenario because it can't be a semester long story if I do start it rather soon.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm in Trouble

So about this story idea about the recruiting for sports and how kids are quitting and costing Wittenberg money, I may have to change my story.  Its going to be difficult because I have found that kids don't know their exact financial aid or how it was split up.  Secondly I dont think coaches would be too happy that an athlete would write a story basically telling how coaches lie to recruits and I really don't feel comfortable doing that either.  So if any idea come up let me know please!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Eleven Years Later

It is obvious what happened today, September 11th, eleven years ago today.  The tragedy that rocked this country will bring images to our heads for the rest of our days and will be an image that our future cannot shake.  Your Facebook timelines and your Twitter news feeds will be full of pictures, videos, and statuses.  You will not only be forced to be remember what happened but you just can't help to think about what happened.  Immediate things that come up are, where you were, what were you doing, who you know that was effected.  Eleven years later we are still deeply impacted and involved as people and as a country.  The most important thing that we can do is to thank everyone serving and comfort the ones who lost someone.

Semester Article

There is no doubt that Wittenberg has multiple successful athletic teams, and that most of our campus is made up of athletes.  Witt has wanted to increase enrollment for a while now from what I hear and they ask the athletic department to up recruiting in order to bring in more students.  But is this the right thing to do?  For example my class, the class of 2014 brought in over 100 recruits to play football.  In my junior year there are about 40 of us left.  This leads to financial problems for the school.  Even though Witt cannot give money because they are a Division 3 school they still give scholarship to athletes that other students don't receive.  This story may be a it difficult because of privacy issues, but I would really like to see what I can draw out from the athletic department and the university.

NFL Week 1 Review

Another Week One in the NFL has come and gone and of course there were surprises, disappointments, and big opening day performances.

Surprises: Robert Griffin III made his NFL debut this past Sunday and RG3 didn't miss a beat.  Griffin brought his Heisman play straight to the big show.  Completing 19 of 26 passes for 320 yards and 2 TDs.  Griffins anticipated big splash has come earlier than many expected.

Peyton Manning made his first start since last January and returned to his old form.  Manning dissected the Steelers defense throwing for 2 TDs including his 400th career TD pass.  

Disappointments: The Cincinnati Bengals came into the season with very high expectations, some predicting that they may win the division for the first time in years.  They walked into a hornets nest and got blown out versus the Baltimore Ravens on the Monday Night opener.  The dazzling duo of AJ Green and Andy couldn't muster any touchdowns in the air which was a key factor in the loss.

The Buffalo Bills defense flipped chips and blew stacks this offseason, spending 100 Million dollars on coveted free agent Mario Williams, and also a hefty amount of defensive end Mark Anderson.  The result? An absolute beatdown vs Gang Green this Sunday.  The Jets contained Williams and the Bills defense as they exploded for 48 points after not scoring a single TD during the preseason.  The Bills offense was stagnant to say the least, until the 4th quarter.  Quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick made 3 terrible throws all resulting in interceptions, one being a pick six.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Replacements

One of the biggest controversies in the early NFL is season is the issue of the contract talks between the  NFL Referees Association and the NFL.  The issue has been described as a "million dollar problem in a billion dollar industry.  No one knows for certain what each party exactly wants from either side, but we are certain that there is no agreement in sight according to reports.  Another thing we are certain of is that these refs made many mistakes in the preseason.  Such as in the Bills vs Redskins Pre-Season game, the Redskins punted the ball and the Bills downed it at the 4 yard line.  The ref called a touchback causing the Bills head coach to use one of his coveted challenges.  Other instances were that they weren't facing the camera when addressing the penalty, or spotting the ball on the incorrect hash mark.  The NFL is a great organization and its a shame that they have to rely on small conference college football refs instead of seasoned NFL vetran referees.