Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Replacements

One of the biggest controversies in the early NFL is season is the issue of the contract talks between the  NFL Referees Association and the NFL.  The issue has been described as a "million dollar problem in a billion dollar industry.  No one knows for certain what each party exactly wants from either side, but we are certain that there is no agreement in sight according to reports.  Another thing we are certain of is that these refs made many mistakes in the preseason.  Such as in the Bills vs Redskins Pre-Season game, the Redskins punted the ball and the Bills downed it at the 4 yard line.  The ref called a touchback causing the Bills head coach to use one of his coveted challenges.  Other instances were that they weren't facing the camera when addressing the penalty, or spotting the ball on the incorrect hash mark.  The NFL is a great organization and its a shame that they have to rely on small conference college football refs instead of seasoned NFL vetran referees.


  1. Don't forget about the first woman to officiate an NFL game.

  2. I love how most of the replacement refs came from division three, so now we are stuck with these crappy high school refs.
