Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Eleven Years Later

It is obvious what happened today, September 11th, eleven years ago today.  The tragedy that rocked this country will bring images to our heads for the rest of our days and will be an image that our future cannot shake.  Your Facebook timelines and your Twitter news feeds will be full of pictures, videos, and statuses.  You will not only be forced to be remember what happened but you just can't help to think about what happened.  Immediate things that come up are, where you were, what were you doing, who you know that was effected.  Eleven years later we are still deeply impacted and involved as people and as a country.  The most important thing that we can do is to thank everyone serving and comfort the ones who lost someone.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for blogging about this. You are correct yes the internet is full of things about 9/11 but to localize it why isn't Witt recognizing it? There has been no email, no prayer hour or even a booth with patriotic ribbons would be something... Back home even private schools would have a few minutes of silence to honor those who lost their lives and loved ones that day.
